Will never be the same twice
Community Programme - 2 Programme arms:
An outreach service focusing on empowerment of communities through participative rehabilitation.
Covering 4 Districts of Nepal (2.5 million people) for the Government's National Leprosy Programme
Includes the highest leprosy prevalence Districts in Nepal.
Both arms focus on community participation through Self Help Groups (SHGs).
Both arms are mostly supported through project funding such as ALM, SMHF, TLM (see Projects section):
Community Based Empowerment & Rehabilitation (CBER) - 2013 achievements
Socio-Economic Rehabilitation (SER) - 2013 achievements
Community Programme
The first bucket of clean water from the new 90ft - deep well
Houses in a desperatley poor leprosy-affected community urgently needing rebuilding.
Village women's group - learning to write
Microcredit Scheme - They got a goat, and now already have 3
SLIDE SHOW - Caring outreach for a leprosy affected family in their village
Microcredit Scheme - He got a buffalo, which is in high demand for farm-work
and brings him income and respect