Outpatient Services  -  OPD

Outpatient Services  -  Annual Data 

16 July 2014 - 15 July 2015  (Nepal Fiscal Year)



New Leprosy Patients              ..........................................          1,228

• Children                                                                       127

• Grade-2 Disability - (Adults & Children)                       254


Old Returning Leprosy Patients    .......................................       7,978

• Children                                                                        289


POD (Prevention of Disability) Community Clinics -

- Leprosy Patients     .........................................................          3,616


Total All Leprosy Patients Visits (New + Old + POD)   .......     12,822

• Reactions                                                                       2,548

• Neuritis                                                                           1,548

• Ulcers                                                                             3,005


Total General (Non-leprosy) Patient Consultations   ...........    74,225

      Children                                                                         15,779



TOTAL ALL OPD PATIENT VISITS (All Leprosy + General)  .........  87,047


    Total children consultations                                                 16,263

Outpatient Department Services


Leprosy patients
General patients
Wound care

Eye Care
Mother & Child Health (MCH) clinics
Emergency services
Community POD (Prevention of Disability) Clinics



Busy season - hot, crowded Outpatients Dept, 500 - 550 patients a day

Arriving by ox-cart. Another form of local ambulance

Morning OPD Clinic with Dr Vijay

Samuel K P Subedi -  Manager of the extremely busy OPD Services 

Medical Records - changing to an integrated computerised system

Wound Care - a busy daily outpatient service

Kunal is just 5 and already has ulnar nerve damage due to leprosy

Fulo is also just 5, and has two pale skin patches due to leprosy. Here she is tested for any loss of sensation in her feet due to leprosy, but fortunately she has no nerve damage. So her leprosy will be cured after 6 months of taking two anti-leprosy medicines. 

Arriving by Jholunga (bamboo sling). They carried him 10 Km.